Is A Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Permanent?

Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries are one of the most common reasons for a visit to the emergency room, and, in most cases, won’t cause permanent, long-lasting symptoms. Still, while “mild” in nature, they can be extremely unpleasant experiences—resulting in a range of debilitating symptoms that can last for weeks, months, or indefinitely.

In this informative post, learn about most common causes and symptoms of Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries and find out how to avoid any permanent damage following your injury.

What Is Considered A Mild Traumatic Brain Injury?

A mild traumatic brain injury, also known as an intracranial injury, is any injury to the brain that’s caused by external forces. This included injuries caused by common accidents, like vehicle accidents, sports-related injuries and falls, as well as blunt-force trauma and explosions—that cause the head to be jolted in some way. This rapid acceleration and deceleration causes the brain to make contact against the skull, causing an injury that disrupts the brain's normal function.

Symptoms of a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

A mild traumatic brain injury can cause several changes in brain activity, leading to headaches, disorientation, irritability, and fatigue. Many patients with brain injuries often experience a range of symptoms, including vision impairments, confusion, drowsiness, disorientation, headaches, and, sometimes, amnesia. More serious brain injury symptoms include pain or stiffness in the neck or head, bladder control issues, weakness, numbness, or difficulty moving.

If you’re experiencing any of the these symptoms, contact a brain injury doctor in Dallas to receive a quick and accurate diagnosis to get treatment fast.

How To Treat A Mild Traumatic Brain Injury In Dallas

Following immediate emergency care, Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries can be treated using a variety of techniques. While relative rest—limiting physical and cognitive activities as much as possible, can help many people overcome their injuries and is often encourages, sometimes more serious interventions are necessary. Based on your diagnoses, and brain injury doctor in Dallas may recommend medication—including anti-seizure drugs, coma-inducing drugs, or diuretics to help re-stabilize the brain. Moreover, surgery and rehabilitation may also be recommended depending on the severity of the injury.

Moreover, your doctor can indicate when it’s safe to return to work, school, or recreation activities, while providing a comprehensive treatment plan that allows you to return to normal activities gradually.

Can A Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Be Cured?

Brain injuries can be cured using a variety of treatments. That being said, while the skull is in fact designed to protect the brain from trauma, it’s not infallible. Seeking immediate emergency care following a brain injury can ensure the injured person is receiving enough oxygen and blood to function, and minimize secondary damage caused by the injury.

Following emergency care, it’s always best to visit a brain injury doctor as soon as possible to ensure that your symptoms don’t become permanent and to avoid the chance of a more serious injury in the future. If your experiencing any of the aforementioned symptoms listed above, a comprehensive assessment by Dallas brain injury doctor is the best policy to ensure your symptoms inevitably recede.

Keep in mind: Sometimes, people with brain injuries may may not recognize they are having problems, or understand how their symptoms are affecting them. This is another reason why paying a visit to a doctor following emergency care is especially important.

Get Expert Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment Today!

Have you had a recent brain injury in Dallas? We can help!

The Comprehensive Spine Center of Dallas is the foremost clinic for brain injuries in Dallas, Texas. Through our comprehensive examinations and state-of-the-art treatment plans, our doctor’s have a proven track record of helping countless patients literally get back on their feet. If you’re experiencing pain, stiffness, numbness or weakness—or struggle to perform everyday activities of daily living—don’t hesitate to contact us today. We can work with you to identify the cause and provide relief with an effective treatment plan made for you.