Talking With Your Medical Provider

Video Transcription

When talking with your medical provider, if that’s a chiropractor, if that’s a physical therapist, if that’s an orthopedic surgeon like myself, or a pain management doctor, it is important to be clear with the clinician with all of your pain, all of your injuries. If you have been in a motor vehicle accident, if you have slipped and fallen, if you have had a work-related accident, the more information we have about the multiple body parts involved so that we can diagnose them, and treat them properly is important.

I think that one of the strengths of myself, and my practice, Comprehensive Spine Center of Dallas, we are excellent at taking in and obtaining all of your information and putting into a proper note. We have taken great lengths to do dictation, free dictation rather than drop down boxes and cookie cutter type medical records. We use a sophisticated system of full dictation, so we can expand on all of the issues that are relating to your medical condition and physical exam.

The other thing to understand if you come to a physician like myself, an orthopedic surgeon, my nurse practitioners, my physician assistants, you should expect a full physical exam. That would include standing on your toes and your heels, bending forward, having the clinician palpate or touch you, put you through a range of motion, check your sensation in all of your body parts, your muscle strength. This would include in our practice looking inside your mouth, looking into your throat, your chest, your abdominal area, your pulse. All of these things would be done in a proper physical exam in our clinic. We’ll also do your vital signs while being seen in the clinic.

So, these are things that I would expect from going to an orthopedics office, and if anything abnormal would be found, we would let you know and we would have you refered to the proper medical specialty.